[Lesetipp]: Nord-Koreas Hacking-Fähigkeiten

Zum langen Wochenende ein Lesetipp über die Hacking-Fähigkeiten Nord-Koreas von Reuters (lokale Kopie). Der Staat steht ja im Verdacht, hinter den WannaCry-Attacken zu stehen. Der Bericht fokusiert insbesondere auf eine „Unit 180“, die sich insbesondere mit Hacking-Attacken auf Finanzsysteme beschäftigt bzw. beschäftigen soll.

Kim Heung-kwang, a former computer science professor in North Korea who defected to the South in 2004 and still has sources inside North Korea, said Pyongyang’s cyber attacks aimed at raising cash are likely organized by Unit 180, a part of the Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), its main overseas intelligence agency. „Unit 180 is engaged in hacking financial institutions (by) breaching and withdrawing money out of bank accounts,“ Kim told Reuters. He has previously said that some of his former students have joined North Korea’s Strategic Cyber Command, its cyber-army. „The hackers go overseas to find somewhere with better internet services than North Korea so as not to leave a trace,“ Kim added. He said it was likely they went under the cover of being employees of trading firms, overseas branches of North Korean companies, or joint ventures in China or Southeast Asia. (Q: Reuters.com)

Anmerkung: Die ist ein Beitrag aus der Reihe „Kurz notiert“. Eine kleine Erläuterung dazu gibt es hier.