Zum 70. Jahrestag der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte

...Everyone has a role to play to ensure the web serves humanity. By committing to the following principles, governments, companies and citizens around the world can help protect the open web as a public good and a basic right for everyone. Die deutsche Bundesregierung hat sich unlängst hinter diesen Berners-Lee-Contract...

[Lesetipp] Analyse der NSA-Überwachungsinfrastruktur in den USA

...structures that were built to withstand earthquakes and even nuclear attack. Thousands of people pass by the buildings each day and rarely give them a second glance, because their function is not publicly known. They are an integral part of one of the world’s largest telecommunications networks – and they...

Sicherheitspolitische Einschätzung der US-Cyberattacken gegen Russland

...countermeasure, given the earlier Russian intrusions to U.S. systems (..) While we do not truly have enough information in the public record to pass a reliable judgment on the matter, we can at least say that there is a plausible case here for categorizing the CYBERCOM action as a countermeasure...

Crowdstrike Threat Report 2019 bewertet „Breakout time“ von Angreifergruppen

...the telecommunications sector and likely supporting state-sponsored espionage activities. Subsequent lures to drive more effective social engineering campaigns resulted in compromising telecom customers, including government entities.

  • CrowdStrike observed an increasing operational tempo from China-based adversaries, which is only likely to accelerate as US-China relations continue to be strained.
  • ...

    [Lesetipp]: Einblicke in die russische Malware-Szene

    ...ransomware attack against a large corporation makes total sense, because it is possible to paralyze the work of a whole company, resulting in huge losses. Due to this, it is possible to demand a ransom larger than the one requested from home users and small companies. (Q: Kaspersky auf Threatpost)...

    Die Schweiz rüstet sich für den Cyberwar

    Die NZZ berichtet in der heutigen Onlineausgabe (PDF des Artikel und Quelle) von einer Initiative des schweizer Nachrichtendienstes NDB (Nachrichtendienst des Bundes), dessen Befugnisse im Cyberspace durch ein neues Gesetz deutlich erweitert werden sollen. Mit der Änderung „ist denn auch vorgesehen, das der NDB künftig in Computersysteme und -netzwerke eindringen...