Kooperation zwischen NATO und EU erneut betont

Vor dem NATO-Gipfel in Brüssel, der am gestrigen 11.Juli startete gab es eine weitere gemeinsame Erklärung von NATO und der EU, in der diese erneut ihre Kooperations-Bereitschaft hervorgehoben und dessen Notwendigkeit betont haben. Das Thema Cyber spielte dabei erwartungsgemäß auch eine wichtige Rolle, daher soll die Erklärung (lokale Kopie) an dieser Stelle dokumentiert werden. Die Cyber-relevanten Punkte aus der Erklärung sind dabei:

We are implementing the objectives we set two years ago, including the following actions: (..) We have increased our ability to respond to hybrid threats: we reinforce our preparedness for crises, we exchange timely information including on cyber-attacks, we confront disinformation, we build the resilience of our members and partners and we test our respective procedures through parallel and coordinated exercises;

The multiple and evolving security challenges that our Member States and Allies face from the East and the South make our continued cooperation essential, including in responding to hybrid and cyber threats, in operations, and by helping our common partners. We are committed to deepen it further within the existing common proposals.