[Kurz notiert] FireEye-Bericht zu iranischer Hackergruppe APT33

Das IT-Sicherheitsunternehmen FireEye hat unlängst einen Bericht zu der mutmaßlich iranische Hackergruppe APT33 veröffentlicht, die vor allem für Spionagezugriffe verantwortlich gemacht werden.

Based on observed targeting, we believe APT33 engages in strategic espionage by targeting geographically diverse organizations across multiple industries. Specifically, the targeting of organizations in the aerospace and energy sectors indicates that the threat group is likely in search of strategic intelligence capable of benefitting a government or military sponsor. APT33’s focus on aviation may indicate the group’s desire to gain insight into regional military aviation capabilities to enhance Iran’s aviation capabilities or to support Iran’s military and strategic decision making. Their targeting of multiple holding companies and organizations in the energy sectors align with Iranian national priorities for growth, especially as it relates to increasing petrochemical production. We expect APT33 activity will continue to cover a broad scope of targeted entities, and may spread into other regions and sectors as Iranian interests dictate.

Den Analysen zufolge ist aber auch nicht auszuschließen, dass die Gruppe auch über  offensiveren Maßnahmen mit potentiell zerstörerischem Payload verfügt und in Verbindung zu früheren Attacken stehen könnte.

Hier der ganze Bericht: „Insights into Iranian Cyber Espionage: APT33 Targets Aerospace and Energy Sectors and has Ties to Destructive Malware“ (lokale Kopie)

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